Is Snoring Keeping You Up at Night?
Snoring will keep your nights sleepless and your days exhausting.
You might hear complaints from others all the time about your snoring, or maybe you aren’t even aware of the problem. Do you have trouble feeling like you got a good night's rest despite going to bed early? Do you wake frequently throughout the night? This could be directly related to being a chronic snorer. Millions of families suffer from the effects of snoring, with over 40% of men and 25% of women suffering from it. What might just seem like a minor annoyance could be creating serious health and relationship problems.

Why is snoring so serious?
Despite disrupting the sleep of others around you and their quality of life, snoring can become a major problem in other ways. Unmanaged snoring can cause other serious side effects such as:
- Sleepiness during the day
- Sore throat
- Restless sleep
- Trouble concentrating
- High blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Gasping or choking during sleep
What Causes Snoring?
For many, snoring occurs more as people age and gain weight. Although many see it as just an annoyance, it is an indication of obstructed breathing in its sufferers and should be taken seriously. A doctor will be able to determine what the true reason for your snoring may be.
Common Causes of Snoring Include:
- Weak muscle tone in the tongue or throat - due to the weak tone, the tongue may fall back into the airway during sleep.
- Excessive throat tissue - Usually caused by obesity, the throat tissue may block part of the airway during rest. Those with tonsil issues and cysts may also experience this.
- A long soft palate or uvula: As they dangle into the airway, they may create a noisy vibration that we know as snoring.
- Obstructed nasal airways - A stuffy nose forces the sleeper to use more effort while pulling air through the nasal airway causing tissue in the throat to become floppy.
- Sleep Apnea - A sleep disorder that can lead to health risks and complications when left untreated.
How do I find relief from my Snoring?
To find the true source of your snoring, you must be evaluated by a professional. It is important to ensure that your snoring is not the result of something more dangerous. Although there are snoring remedies that work, at-home methods or “anti-snore” gadgets often just further disrupt your ability to sleep. Speaking with a doctor is the first step to finding any “snore cures” that may be available to you. Not only will it help get you real results, when you end snoring you will gain valuable time and sleep.
I snore but my other symptoms aren’t that bad: Is finding relief necessary?
While you may not think that your snoring is impacting your life, it is. Even light symptoms associated with chronic snoring can cause long-term health problems when left untreated.
Additionally, snoring is not just a health problem, it's a family problem. Snoring has been known to be a “relationship wrecker”. When you have been told by different people that you snore - it’s time to make a change to snoring relief that works. This way, you can get a good night's rest without embarrassment. Your family will be thanking you. Your spouse shouldn’t have to wake you up and tell you to stop snoring. Don’t let snoring cause you more problems in your life.
Snoring Treatment Options
Home Remedies for Snoring
For those who don’t feel that their problem is severe enough for procedures or treatment, there are things to try at home. Here are some of the best ways to end snoring at home, although none of these are true “snore cures”:
- Having a healthier lifestyle
- Avoid sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and antihistamines before bed
- Avoid alcohol or heavy meals 3 to 4 hours before bed
- Establish regular sleeping patterns
- Sleeping on your side
- Tilting the head of your bed up 4 inches
Snoring Treatment Options at Dallas ENT
When enough is enough, Dallas ENT can help determine the cause of your snoring and offer you the right treatment for your unique situation. Some of our most popular treatments that chronic snorers find relief with are:

- Celon Treatment: A quick and minimally invasive procedure done in the office setting. This procedure uses radio frequency to gently reshape the swollen turbinates that are causing snoring and congestion.
- Inspire - The Inspire sleep apnea treatment is an FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works to treat the root cause of your sleep apnea. A small device works to stimulate the airway muscles to keep your airway open during sleep.
Are you an SOS (Spouse Of Snorer)?
Many times, it is not the snorers who are affected by snoring. It is the spouses who must live with the side effects. Unfortunately, they have to beg their partner to get snoring treatment and most who do are sent by their spouses. Before you move to the spare bedroom, put the pillow over them, kick them out of bed, or use white noise machines for sleeping - send them to Dallas ENT and stop letting them cost you valuable shuteye.